Formal Letter

dimecres, 30 de gener del 2008

14 C/ del Pont
Castelló d’Empúries
17486 Girona
School principal
8 C/ Rentador
Castelló d’Empúries
17486 Girona

Dear Madam,

We are two students of 1r of Batxillerat, and we are writing about our opinion of the High school.
On the one hand, we agree that you are putting pictures, posters, so the High school is funnier, last year it seemed a jail. Also, we think that the W.C oppened all the day is good for us, but some days are closed.
When we arrived we hadn’t got library, but now it has, are although we don’t use it but we think that the library it’s a good thing for pupils.
In the classroom we have screeners, projector and computer this is a great idea, because there we can do somethings with computer that we never imagine.
And now, English class has improved a lot, the computers are so good and the wall are more funny.
On the other hand, in the High school you didn’t tell us many thing about the UNI, and neighter for students of 4t ESO they haven’t got a lot of information of Batxillerat.
We think that it must be an other exit, because for exemple for us it’s so far.
Also, we always are cold in the classroom and especially on the laboratory.
We think that we shouldn’t do gym classes at 8 A.M because it’s horrible.
Finally we must to go to holidays, because it’s a fantastic present for us, for the work that we have to do every day.

In conlcusion we believe that the high school improve a lot since we arrived, and we think that if you continue improving that this form, this high school will be better.

Yours faithfully,



dimarts, 1 de gener del 2008


This history began many years ago in my town, where then was only a town between the mountains of Catalonia. My town was very little, and he had a small square and a small church, a park, a small prison and a school that was one of the best in the province. The school was quite and accessible to all families, but a good day in class, a group of students between only eight or nine years old were doing crafts with her teacher, a beautiful woman had started just one month ago. The teacher put the radio for listening the weather because these week the class organizate an excursion.
Suddenly, a man with grave voice communicate a news last minute:
"I communicate that is a dangerous murderer has escaped from prison of the town ... please, we closed doors and windows until it is terminated. Thanks"
The children are very frightened; the prison was very near school. The teacher reassured and began to tell stories, but a girl she came very keen to go to WC and the teacher didn’t knew if the girl let go, but the girl insisted and in the end went in the service. Before leaving, they agreed to find a password for knowing that was the girl and not the prisoner: She had to give three knocks on the door and twice scratchs.
The girl went to the bathroom, but never returned. The prisoner was hiding in a toilet, forced her to tell the password and then cut her head.
The teacher was worried because had last twenty minutes and the girl had still hadn’t come, but suddenly There listen three knocks and two scratches: She is, the teacher tought. But by opening the door, she found the body without a head of the poor girl… With a jump, the prisoner came into class, and between screams, terror and pain, ended with all children. Only the teacher was alive, she was jumped for a window
Today she is in a psychiatric, Can’t stop repeating over and over again: “Three hits and two scratches, three hits and two scratches…”
The school was about to be demolished because she brought bad memories
but finally stopped. They say that if you come in, in the bathroom you can see the heat of the girl, you staring with eyes filled with terror, and in the class are drips blood on the walls…