dilluns, 1 de desembre del 2008

Hi I’m Laia. Mercè and I would like to talk about the differences between dating and asking someone to marry you, in this century and in the XIX century.

I will concentrate on where we meet our partners, and Mercè will talk about the difference in the clothes, and in the finally we talk about wedding.
In the nineteenth century the places to meed your partner were balls.
They were very formal events, often organised when a woman “come of age”, this means when she turned 18. The aim of the balls was for the woman to meed her future husband. Obviously these balls were expensive and were for the middle to upper classes.
Now the girls go to discos, a much less formal event. They go at an earlier age; they go without their parents; and they dance in a very different way, actually touching bodies!

Hello I’m Mercè, Laia has explianed where we meed our partners, I would like to talk to you about the differences in dress code.

The nineteenth century was a romantic age, women wore expensive, formal dresses. The dresses were always long, to the floor, they were corsets and added details, like rubbons to look their best, accessories were simple, and a niquelase or jewels in their hair. The colours of the dresses were pale, beige, light blue etc. The men also dressed elegantly: jacket, long trousers and a short with a cravat. Normally the suit was black.
Now the style is very different! The girls wear what is in fashion, mini skirts, trousers, jumper or a dress. They are much less formal and of a variety of colours. The less clothes, or the shorter the skirt, the better! Accessories are much more obvious.
The boys style is now very casual, again depending on the latest fashions. The boys also wear fashion accessories, even ear rinigs!

asking someone to marry you in the 19th century was also very formal. The man had to ask the father of the woman if the could marry her. They could only marry within their social class. Money and reputation was very important often marriages were organised by the parents, it was not important if the man and woman loved each other!

Now we normally marry for love, choosing our own partners. Money and reputation are not so important.

In conclusion: In a short thime a lot has changed. Todays society is much less formal that in the nineteenth century. THis is much more confortable for us but we must be careful not become too informal.

about others oral presentations

Pascal - Charles Chaplin
Àngels i Dani - Sitcous in America and in Spain
Laura - Comparation of the romanticism about a XVIII and XXI.
I like her pronuntation.
David i Màrius - Mens of pride and Perjudice
Jordi i Güell - Elisabeth Bennet
They haven't much preperated but thay don't were nervous
Núria, Marina i Alba - Bennet sisters
My favourite was Núria because almost she don't read the paper

The rest of oral presentation I couldn't comment because I was sick.


I haven't much to comment about my oral presentationt, for me this have been the worse oral presentation of my live!I passed a very horrible moment!I think that it happened because I had a lot of preparated and I thought that I know it well and when I arrived in front of my friends I began to tremble and everything began to go wrong.
makes a lot of anger!!

I hope that on my 2nd oral presentation I could to controling my nervious


diumenge, 30 de novembre del 2008

2nd Film!

divendres, 28 de novembre del 2008


One of the best I've ever seen. Tom Hanks played great! He represented a confused man who had just arrived from Krakozia. He didn't know the language, and was not able to leave the airport. A Civil War had broken out in his Nation. So he was a man from nowhere! He coulnd't get a passport, so he had to stay in the terminal until the war finishes.
He made himself comfortable, he had his way to earn money, and moreover, he worked there as a constructor!
And one day, he met an impressive woman, however, she was already promised but agreed to some dinners with the poor man.


In general, more formal words to describe all the terms an aiport has. But I could understand it well, and there was nor really a special and interesting word to learn. Oh yes, I remember one: arrest.

Rate yourself :)


dijous, 27 de novembre del 2008

What is humour? Humour is a message with the power to evoke laughter, and in my opinion humour is vitaly in everyday life. Our lifes are full of stress, problems, anxiety and crisis. Without humour all we have is the depressing things in life.

First of all, a person who perhaps in life has bad luck and has few material posessions, for exemple money, cars..., if they have a “good sense of homour” they are often happier than those people who are wealthy. Money does not buy happiness.

Secondly I will quote a famous English saying: “It is better to laugh than to cry” when everything in life seems terrible, what can you do? You can feel miserable and pity yourself but does this achieve anything? No, you have to feel positive, you have to laugh at the situation, not cry, being positive and happier will help to survive these problems. For example, you go on holiday to Hawaii and it rains every day, be positive and laugh at your bad luck. Being positive will help you to think of other things to do than going to the beach, possibility more interesting things!

To sum up, if more people could laugh at life and could look at problems with humour, then, in general living a happier life the world must be a happier place? Obviously there are limits, there are things in life that need to be approached with a serious attitude, for example famine, wars and natural disasters.

It is clear that the alternative to a life with humour is the alternative is a life of misery, pessimism and self pity. In conclusion I ask you, which life would you prefer?

Computer have made the world a better place

Over the last years there have been major developments concerning computers. Now almost everyone uses computers. There are positive and negative resluts of this.

On one hand computers have improved and increased efficiency in a lot of Industries, such as the engineering industry. What is more we need less paper, less space, all information can be stored on computer or discs.
In addition, through computers, communication, local or world wide, is easier.
Another reasun is students can look up informationm, organise and present their projects and even study for diplomas and certificates on the computer.
Finally, our lives are easier people can bank and shop on-line and it is another option to watching TV and fill in time.

On the other hand children fill in time on the computer instead of studying or using their imagination to invent games. Moreover, children and students are losing the skills to research information in encyclopedias, dictionaries and libraries.
Students copy the information from the computer instead of writing their own work.
Alhough industry has been improved by computers a lot of workers lose their work when computers take over the world.
We have access to a lot of inapropriate information, and in addition, our privacy is invaded, banks, employers, etc can look on about us.
Lastly, every year we get lazier, we do not need to move from the computer.

I understand there are reasons for and against computers improving our lives, but as I am a student I am for computers because it makes it easier for me to complete my studies and projects. We have so much work to do we do not have time to go to libraries, look in encyclopedies for research and then to handwrite it all.


dimecres, 19 de novembre del 2008

A man goes on a 2-month business trip to Europe and leaves his cat with his brother. Three days before his return he calls his brother.

Brother 1: So how is my cat doing?

Brother 2: He's Dead

Brother 1: He's Dead! What do you mean He's Dead! I loved that cat. Couldn't you think of a nicer way to tell me! I'm leaving in 3 days. You could of broke me to the news easier. You could of told me today that she got out of the house or something. Then when I called before I left you could of told me, Well, we found her but she is up on the roof and we're having trouble getting her down. Then when I call you from the airport you could of told me, The Fire Department was there and scared her off the roof and the cat died when it hit the ground.

Brother 2: I'm sorry...you're right...that was insensitive I won't let it happen again.

Brother 1: Alright, alright, forget about it. Anyway, how is Mom doing?

Brother 2: She's up on the roof and we're having trouble getting her down.

podcast 2


diumenge, 16 de novembre del 2008

- Hello, good night everybody! today we have a very famous person that I know that you meet hm.

- Hi Guardiola, how are you?

- Good night everybody! Well, I'm fine and very happy that I'm here! his is a great program, and I love it.

- lol. Thanks you are very polite, aah...well, now, that you have a excellent team with greater players. Did you feel luky?

- Mmm, well, yes yes. The true it's that Laporta went to me and said that if I want to be the coach of F.C.B I'm to amaze.

- I hope you see very differences like F.C.Athletic?

- So, yes, it's normal especially with pressure of the aficionats, you know, you meet this world.

- Oh, yes yes it's true. I remember my firts days of work. But this isn't the interview about me, you know, it's about you.

- Yes I know it. I think that is time for leave because tomorrow I have a training on moning with my players.

- OK, OK amh I understand you! Good luck for the match of this weekend.

- Thanks, see you!

- Bye bye! and good night spectator see you tomorrow at this time with oter famous!


The film!

dimarts, 7 d’octubre del 2008

I think that the film is fantastic and all actors act very well. When I finally the film I wanted to dance and sing.
The film is very nice. Jhon Travolta interprets a woman; she is the mother of the protagonist, Tracy.
Tracy, an overweight high-school student who only dream is to be on a local Baltimore teen dance program. While her father tells her to follow her dreams, her mother Edna reminds her that she doesn't look like the girls on that show. After Tracy earns a coveted spot on the program, but when she becomes a popular addition, she earns the rabies of the prettiest girl in school a girl whose mother just happens to operate the local television station. Tracy is visit to detention hall opens her eyes to the racial tension on the show, as does the relationship between her best friend and a boy, Tracy attempts to integrate the races on her favourite program. Perry Seibert.
This is all

I recommend this film!


diumenge, 5 d’octubre del 2008

Dear Patricia

How are you? I’m fine.
My name is Laia Font Duñach, Màrius is my cousin. I’m 17 years old but in February I will be 18. I live in Castelló d’Empúries, between Figueres and Roses with my family, my brother Ssergi, my mother and my father Roser and Josep and my grandmother Roser. I have a boyfriend and he’s name is David who live in Barcelona. Now he has 20 years old but whern I started to leave with he was 17 and I 14.
I play violin, piano and “flabiol” in music school of my town, also I dance dances of new creation. 3 years ago I left the volleyball but also I had played handball when I was little. My hoby is got shopping and go out with my friends.
My favourite colour is orange because is beautiful and fun. I love smile.
I hope that this year you pass very well to our side.

See you soon



2nd of Batxillerat!

dimarts, 23 de setembre del 2008


dissabte, 7 de juny del 2008

Can you see an improvement on your level of English since September 2007? Where, for exemple?

I see an impprovement on my level of English with my oral presentation, because the first oral presentation I was very nervous and my pronuntation was bad because I pronounced a lot of bad words for exemple: because! I said [bicaus] and now I has understood that this word is said [bicos].

Also, in my opinion I has improved on writing, now I have better expresioned because we have practised a lot and we have worked a lot! With work everybody imporves.

Finally, I think that now I have better flouency.

Wich activity best shows your level of English?

The activity that best shows my level of English are the oral presentations.

Which activities were really USEFUL for on to improve your English? Why?

Speak in class and do the portfolio, because it's the way that we demostrate all we have understood.

Which activities did you not find useful to learn English? Why not?

The activities that I think that I don't learn English is the potdcast because it's a waste of time.

Which activities did you enjoy doing and would like to do again next year?

The activities that I like are watching films and doing the blogspot.

The films are good because it helps to learn new words, and the blogspot are good because we learn writing.

Too much importance is given to exam at school. Do you agree?

I disagre with the sistem of the school because I think that also there is a lot of things for avaluation, because I’m working more than other friends with homeworks and other things, but finally the teachers only avaluate the exams and this is not fair.

It is clear than the students work a lot but for exemple if one boy does the exams very well but always speak in class and never listen the teacher, and an other hand I listen a lot in class but the exam is bad for me, he will have better final mark!

In addition, I think that we work hard at home with the homeworks. For exemple, in english, with the portfolio and with the blogspot but the difference is that in English subject is only subject that avaluate a lot the work that we do at home.

In conclusion, and after this fanthastic arguments I think that the batxillerat wourld be a lot of bad.
I hope that the next year the things changes and also this forms for study.



NAME & TOPIC: Education

We use a power point with pictures of graphics about Spain and Catalonia level Education.
I think that people liked our oral presentation because it was very interesting.

I looked my friends continually, I was connecting with them a lot and I didn’t brought notes.

We organizated correctly because we separate paragraphs correctly.

This was the last oral presentation of the term, and I think that our oral presentation was completed.
We talked about the level, the PISA and the problems that the students have when they have chose their futur life.

I admit that my english is bad because I left lose, and now I repent a lot. For this I studing for improve.
I swear you that next oral presentation, in next year, you seen a big change.

I think that my intantion is very good and my prounciation it has improved a lot!

I think that my correct mark is 7-8 because we have put a lot of effort.


TEXT 3 : Leviathan, cap. XVII: “Of the causes, generation and definition of a Cammon wealth” (primer de la segona mart: “Of Commonwealth”)
The only way to erect such a common power, as may be able to defend them from the invasion of foreigners, and the injuries of one another, and thereby to secure them in such sort as that by their own industry and by the fruits of the earth they may nourish themselves and live contetedly, is to confer all their power and strength upon one man, or upon one assembly of men, that may reduce all their wills, by plurality of voices, unto one will: which is as much as to say, to appoint one man, or assembly of men, to bear their person; and every one to own and acknowledge himself to be author of whatsoever he that so beareth their person shall act, or cause to be acted, in those things which concern the common peace and safety; and therein to submit their wills, every one to his will, and their judgements to his judgement. This is more than consent, or concord; it is a real unity of them all in one and the same person, made by convenant of every man with every man, in such manner as if every man should say to every man: I authorise and give up my right of governing myself to this man, or to this assembly of men on this condition; that thou give up, thy right to him, and authotise all his actions in like manner. This done, the multitude so united in one person is called a COMMONWEALTH; in Latin, CIVITAS. This is the generation of that great LEVIATHAN, or rather, to speak more reverently, of that mortal god to which we owe, under the immortal God, our peace and defence. For by this authotity, given him by every particular man in the Commonwealth, he hath the use of so much power and strength conferred on him that, by terror thereof, he is enabled to from the wills of them all, to peace at home, and mutual aid against their enemies abroad. And in him consisteth the essence of the Commonwealth; which, to define it, is: one person, of whose acts a great multitude, by mutual covenants one with another, have made themselves every one the author, to the end he may use the strength and means of them all as he shall think expedient for their peace and common defence.

This is a philosopher text that we did in class

informal dialog


Informal dialog

dimecres, 4 de juny del 2008

Tania: What are you doing here?
Polly: Oh..I was walking here and I thought that I could visit you
Tania: But, didn't you say that you left on holidays?
Polly: Oh...yes, yes
Tania: So?
Polly: Look Tania, we have to tell you something
Tania: What? Now you will tell me that you are together...hahaha
Polly: Mmmm...look, the other day we went to the party and we kissed
Tania: What??? Fuck you!!
(she closes the door angry and she leaves)


dilluns, 2 de juny del 2008


In my opinion, the best invention is the piano because if this instruments hasn’t been invented, what would I do?

Well, the piano was invented by Bartolomeo Cristofori in 1690 aproximatly, when it was created he called his instrument gravicembalo col piano e forte.

The piano is a musical string instrument with 88 keyboards that is played with the ten fingers of hands and with the pedals that we have presioned with our foods. The keyboards accione a mecanisme of hammers that hits the strings, and these vibrations are transmit a sound that amplifies them.
There are many manufecturers of pianos as Roland, Yamaha, and others, and also there are many types of pianos, the grand piano, Upright piano and digital piano.

This instrument is used to play musical pieces lonely, with company or for composing.

This invention is important for humanity because if it hadn’t been invented many people wouldn’t have existed be even exist
As Johann Sebastian Bach, Mozart, Beethoven...etc, and surely, now the music wouldn’t be anything because this is the main instrument to compose great songs.

Finally, I think that the music is the way to express our feelings.




We have almost learnt to respect our would. Do you agree?

diumenge, 1 de juny del 2008

I’m disagree that we have almost learnt to respect our world, even though I believe that every time we are more aware of that.

It’s clear that we are aware and for this we have got create electricity with sunlight, manufacture vehicles that pollute less or put bicycles to the city centre such as Barcelona, withdraw the prodcuts that not benefit the environment like deodorants, do the speakings for prevents the fires in the forests and speakings for teach to respect the environment since of childhood, also we have done recycling campaings here in Castelló, ang many other things.

But even this, the people continue take car for go to everywhere, we continue cutting trees and destroing our landscape for build hulg flats, and the manufactures continue contaminating the would even though now we’re suffering the concequences.

In conclusion, although we are concients that our would is degrading ever time faster than they was saying, we won’t be capables to aware until all will revolutionize how for example this year with the water problem, because we haven’t done anything until that the problem knock our door because I always think that we utilize our ability to think for the money.



This new talks about this Ipod wich apeared a few days ago. This Ipod is called Ipod thouch becaus it's tactile.
This man tells us the qualities about it. He says that this Ipod is very light, it has wifi, memoria flash of 8 or 16 GB and with a batery that lastes 22 hours reproducing music and 5 hours reproducing video.
This Ipod hasn't got bluetooth but we can go to Internet.
Acording to what he said, I think that it's a great product but also I think that it isn't useful because it's very expensive, if we want 8 GB it costs 298 euros and if we want 16 GB it costs 389!!


dissabte, 31 de maig del 2008



Today I’m with Rihanna who is a very popular star of the world.
Hello Rihanna, thank you for spending your time with me. It’s a very big honor to speak with you

Hi, for me it’s a great honor to be here, it isn’t a problem, because I love speaking (lol)

Well, this year you have had a lot of success, are you surprised?

Yes, because this is like a dream, I never thought that this could happen to me.

But, when you started to sing, at 15 years old, were you aware that you could be so successful?

Well, when I was 15 I thought that singing was only a hobby and I never imagined this!

The song Unfaithful speaks about being unfaithful to a boy, is it something that you feel guilty about ?

Yes, you know when you are a teenager and you have the first boyfriend, and after you don’t want one. But I felt guitly and so I sang this song.

Someone broken your heart?

No, at the moment no. I hope that never happens to me.

Do you go out with a celebrity or do you prefer a normal boy?

It’s about the person not their social class. I only want a boy that loves me and I love him.

Thanks for your attention and I had a great time with you.

Thanks you’re welcome!

questions of the reading book

dimecres, 21 de maig del 2008

Well, this are the questions of the book that I prepared after to reading the book. I think that my mark, a 5'5 is so bad because english is very difficult for me and after to reading a book, after to prepare very well the questions and studied a lot...:(
but...it's the life...

1- Can you summarize the book in two minutes?
Ethan, the principal character, he afraid of being alone and for this he get married with his mather, Zenna.
When she was sick, Ethan thought that he never leave Starkfield.
But, all change when Zenna’s sister, Mattie, arrived in Zenna house. Ethan fall in love with Mattie and Mattie fall in love with Ethan.
Zenna begins to suspect their relationship and then she made out Mattie for break a dearly dish.
When Mattie leave the home and Ethan learns he run a lot with his sled and after, Mattie says that the only solution for to be together is suicide, for this they intent to suicide but they aren’t successful and they did’t die.
Finally is Zenna who has to take care of them.
2- Is there a mystery sentence or a turning point in the story?
When Ethan falls in love Mattie and they do possible for to be together.
3- When and where does the story take place?
In small town of Starkfield in winter
4- Who are the main characters in the story? What’s their role?
The principal character in the story is Ethan that this role is do everything possible to don’t pass the rest of his life alone.
The second character is Zenna, Ethan’s mother. Her role is watch over Ethan.
5- Choose one character( main or secondary) and describe him/her
Zeena Frome is cold, emotionless wife of Ethan who didn't express her feelings,suspicious of Ethan, old, ugly, down and depressed, passive, aggressive and manipulative.
6- Can you identify with any character? Why?
I don’t identify with anyone because I find that all characters are very idealized
7- Choose your favourite moment in the story
When Mattie and Ethan decide to suicide for love, I think that is what usually happens in every film but it is very nice, but is true that how they intent suicide is a little friky.
9- Provide an alternative ending.
My favorite ending would have been that Ethan’s mother dies, so that Ethan and Mattie could have followed his loving relationship.
10- Would you recommend this book? Why?
I recommend this book to people who likes the drama books and is a book to pass the good time and know what you can get to do for love.
good book for romantic people.


dimecres, 9 d’abril del 2008

The last day of the week
Hooray! We’re ready to finish
And everybody is waiting for the bell
Nobody is concentreated
Kisses, hugs...
Satisfaction because it’s time to start the weekend

Good bye teachers! Four, three, two...
Do you know what will I do?

I think that me and my friends are very happy
So we will have a lot of fun

For example, on Saturday night I will
Ring my friends and we will meet to got to Barraques
I have waited this day for months
Do you know how much money will I spend?
A lot, of course! ^^ But don’t worry!!
You will also come with me!

little presentation about the new project

diumenge, 23 de març del 2008

Hello! This web is a new project that has been created recently by teachers of English and that has been implemented in IES Castelló this year.
It consists of putting practice every week we have done in the class of languages so that we practice writing and speaking English with oral presentations, news, podcast and written letters, histories or descriptions…

podcast description


peter_6_9's Stuff

2nd oral presentation

dissabte, 22 de març del 2008


Hello class, Hello teachers.
Good morning everybody
Well, the country that we chose is Jamaica because we think that it’s a country that can interest to all the class. Ok, let’s start.
Jamaica it’s the third biggest island of Antilles. The Capital is Kingston that it’s the biggest commercial city. The official language is English but the Jamaicans spoke a local dialect which is a mixture of words in Spanish, African and French
The islanders are nice and friendly people and they love smiling. His economy is based on the fishing, the growing of pigs and the cultivation of their lands. They still follow the tradition of build their house with wood and paint the wall with shine colors. The music is in their blood, and they love dancing. The minimum musical sound in the distance takes them to it.
I’m sure that everybody sometimes have been listening about the Rastafarianism, but I think that anybody know a lot about it. The Rastafarianism isn’t a religion, it’s is a culture, that was born in Jamaica, and it around all the Caribe and in the black communities of Gran Britain and USA. His culture is based on the bible. For them, the (rasta) is a very important symbol and they respect it a lot,
The flag of the Rastafaris is red, that means the blood spread of our brothers, the yellow the gold, the green it means the grow, and the black the colour of the skin of their brothers
Well now we speak about the music of Jamaica. Jamaica has different kinds of music like, ska, rocksteady, dub, dancehall, ragga y ragga jungle, and finally the most typical and that everybody knows is the REGGAE
The most popular music is the reggae wich Bob Marley created, who did a culture, with his music. The first kind is ska where he was the father. Also, he create a band called: “The Skatalites”. Other oldest music on the island is Mento, the Ghost and Calypso.
The reggae is a derivation of ragga, that is an abbreviation of raggamuffin, in English his significate is harapiento. We use this label to descript the poor in Jamaica, and also the Rastas and cultural movements of the poor districts.
The name “reggay” his means is “regular”.
The Reggae’s father is Bob Marley that you know. Bob Marley was a musician and member of Rastafari Moviment.
Their songs talk about peace and love, and whit their rhythm people fly and discover other fascinating worlds.
One of the best-known anecdotes about the Jamaica sport is the victory of his selection in the world championship bobsleigh, a winter sport.
Jake the other day said that Jamaica hasn’t got a good team of Football, but we say now, that in 1998 Jamaica went to World Cup of football, this it’s a great job, but they only got 3 points, and they can’t passed to the other round.
If you go to Jamaica don’t forget to eat the most famous lunch: “the rondón” and the “bushy” that is a very delicious drink but also is very strong, so, control because you can get drunk.


divendres, 21 de març del 2008

Mr. Woodcock

The film are two gyms that there is a lot of competition between them. In one gym change completely appearance of a person and another, on the other hand, give more importance to the people and them feelings.
In the end, with the movie you realize your message, we give great importance on the body than the feelings of people.
Really, I like the message and I think that I will like to see it all!

3 new words:
solves - solucionar
Churlish - mal educat
quickly - ràpidament

rate youself :D

Any coments?
We had some problems with the video but in the end it solves



dijous, 20 de març del 2008


dimarts, 18 de març del 2008


This is you have to do if you don't worked the messenger:

1 - Go to internet explorer
2 - Go to "herramientas"
3 - Go to "opciones internet" - "conexiones" - "configuración lan"
4 - "usar servidor proxy" and add: and in the "puerto" add: 80.

* By nevegation: disable the proxy.

Good easter!*


dilluns, 17 de març del 2008


Anna Scott (Julia Roberts) is the world’s most famous movie star. Her picture has been plastered on the cover of every magazine, and every time she makes a move, the entire world knows about it.
William Thacker (Hugh Grant) owns a travel bookstore. His business is stagnant, he has the roommate from hell, and since his divorce, his love life is completely non-existent.

Hugh Grant always fanny, he creates a quimic with Julia Robers. In a movie filled with unforgettable moments.

Mercè and me We didn't have more time to complete it, but I liked a lot for this then I saw in Spanish.
Is a film very romantic

3 new words:
screenwriter - guionista
impinges - afecta
equally - igualment

Rate youself :D

Any comments?
I like the film, for this Mercè and me don't have to choose a film for watch

Here is the trailer


divendres, 14 de març del 2008

The podcast

dimecres, 5 de març del 2008

Hello Laia! How are you?

Hi! I’m fine, and you?

Too! What do you do this weekend?

At the moment i’m free. Why?

Beacuse I have tickets too Cabaret on Friday night. Would you like to go?

Thanks. I'd love too. What time is the show?

It's at 8:00.

That sounds great. So, do you want to have dinner at 6:00?

Uh, I'd like too, but I have to work late.

Oh, THAT’S OK. Let's just meet at the theater before the show, around half past seven.

That sounds fine.

Ok, perfect! Until Friday. bye bye kiis

See you.

Get this widget Track details eSnips Social DNA

Europass Language Passport

divendres, 29 de febrer del 2008


Date of birth (*) 26 February 1991

Mother tongue(s) Catalan

Other language(s) English Spanish French

Self-assessment of language skills (**)
Understanding Speaking Writing
Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production
A2 Basic User B1 Independent user A1 Basic User A1 Basic User A2 Basic User

Self-assessment of language skills (**)
Understanding Speaking Writing
Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production
C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user

Self-assessment of language skills (**)
Understanding Speaking Writing
Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production
A1 Basic User A2 Basic User A1 Basic User A1 Basic User A2 Basic User

(*) Headings marked with an asterisk are optional. (**) See self-assessment grid on reverse. (***) Common European Framework of Reference (CEF) level if specified on the original certificate or diploma.

OBSERVATION of last oral presentation

dijous, 28 de febrer del 2008

NAME & TOPIC: A trip to London

We use a power point with pictures of London, the most beautiful places. We present our plan of the trip.
I think that people liked our power point because the pictures were very beautiful.

We looked our friends continually, we were connecting with them a lot and we didn’t brought notes.

We organizated correctly and we introduced a lot of connectors. This is an aspect that we have improved.

I admit that my english is bad because I left lose, and now I repent a lot. For this I studiing for improve.

My intonation and my pronuntation I think that it was correctly.

I think that our correct mark is 7 because we have putted a lot of effort.


dilluns, 25 de febrer del 2008

Pep’s my best friend because he is the only one that went at the same class since we wento to school. He lives in Vilanova de la Muga and he’s 16.

Physically, my friend is tall and thin, he’s about 1’75 and 65kg, but hes very strong.
He has brown hair and beautiful brown eyes because he has long eyeslashes. Also, he has small ears and thin lips. In general he has a log face. His neck is also rather long and thin but muscular. His arms and his legs are really strong and long and his foot is big, he’s about a size 43.
As you can see he’s a particularly strong boy.

Psychically, Pep is very kind because if you have a problem he will help you. He is also a little nervous boy, when he is nerveous he becomes read-faced and his legs tremble.
He is quite quiet but when he plays football or he do sport he becomes actives.
His favourite hobby is drowing his maps because he wants to become an architect and he also plays football because he spends a lot of time training.

Finally, I think that Pep is and will be my best friend. In general he’s a very strong-willed boy because he gets all he wants.


dilluns, 18 de febrer del 2008

After reading the book and after watching the film, we realize that there are a lot of differences.
For exemple, Elisabeth in the book she has got blue exyes and blond hair but in the film, she has got brown eyes and dark hair.
Also, in the film Victor has got a young brother and in the book he has got twins.
An important difference is that in the book Victor’s father dies of sadness after Elisabeth’s death and in the film Frankiestein kills Victor’s father before Elisabeth’s death.
Also, in the film Victor creates Elisabeth when she dies, and in the book this doesn’t happen.
Finally, I think that the biggest difference is that Frankestein in the book has got yellow eyes and yellow skin and also he’s 2’50m, and in the film he is a normal person but very very ugly!!!



Dear Sònia

My name’s Laia Font Duñach and I’m 16 years old but in February I will do 17. I live in Castelló d’Empúries, between Figueres and Roses. I play violin, piano and “flabiol” in music school of my town, also I dance dances of new creation and my hoby is go shopping.

Now I will you explain my secret, but shhh you cannot explain anybody!!

Well, in summer 2006, a July very hot when I and my friends, we was very boring, when we was went every morning in the beach with bicycle. One day when I was to arrive in the street when we gathered every morning, I saw that Gerard cousin was there, he was my ideal boy. Tall, nice, thin, and he had black hair and blues eyes how the sky, but I knew got never because he had three years plus that me and he live in Barcelona, but I love he and for It every day when we was in the beach I went next to the but he didn’t speak with me. I want say my friend than I loved his cousin but I had fear that Gerard told David.
In last day, that David was in Castelló, I watched how one boy connecting with me in msn and I was felt very happy when he told that he was David and was this how we was knew, and next month he ask for go Barcelona, but I knew that my parents they didn’t let go and this that a day in the morning I took the train without that know anything.

Now David and me we be together one year and my parents the thing those 16th august 2006 I was went in Girona.

Is a very interesting story, ehh!! I hope you like!!


Formal Letter

dimecres, 30 de gener del 2008

14 C/ del Pont
Castelló d’Empúries
17486 Girona
School principal
8 C/ Rentador
Castelló d’Empúries
17486 Girona

Dear Madam,

We are two students of 1r of Batxillerat, and we are writing about our opinion of the High school.
On the one hand, we agree that you are putting pictures, posters, so the High school is funnier, last year it seemed a jail. Also, we think that the W.C oppened all the day is good for us, but some days are closed.
When we arrived we hadn’t got library, but now it has, are although we don’t use it but we think that the library it’s a good thing for pupils.
In the classroom we have screeners, projector and computer this is a great idea, because there we can do somethings with computer that we never imagine.
And now, English class has improved a lot, the computers are so good and the wall are more funny.
On the other hand, in the High school you didn’t tell us many thing about the UNI, and neighter for students of 4t ESO they haven’t got a lot of information of Batxillerat.
We think that it must be an other exit, because for exemple for us it’s so far.
Also, we always are cold in the classroom and especially on the laboratory.
We think that we shouldn’t do gym classes at 8 A.M because it’s horrible.
Finally we must to go to holidays, because it’s a fantastic present for us, for the work that we have to do every day.

In conlcusion we believe that the high school improve a lot since we arrived, and we think that if you continue improving that this form, this high school will be better.

Yours faithfully,



dimarts, 1 de gener del 2008


This history began many years ago in my town, where then was only a town between the mountains of Catalonia. My town was very little, and he had a small square and a small church, a park, a small prison and a school that was one of the best in the province. The school was quite and accessible to all families, but a good day in class, a group of students between only eight or nine years old were doing crafts with her teacher, a beautiful woman had started just one month ago. The teacher put the radio for listening the weather because these week the class organizate an excursion.
Suddenly, a man with grave voice communicate a news last minute:
"I communicate that is a dangerous murderer has escaped from prison of the town ... please, we closed doors and windows until it is terminated. Thanks"
The children are very frightened; the prison was very near school. The teacher reassured and began to tell stories, but a girl she came very keen to go to WC and the teacher didn’t knew if the girl let go, but the girl insisted and in the end went in the service. Before leaving, they agreed to find a password for knowing that was the girl and not the prisoner: She had to give three knocks on the door and twice scratchs.
The girl went to the bathroom, but never returned. The prisoner was hiding in a toilet, forced her to tell the password and then cut her head.
The teacher was worried because had last twenty minutes and the girl had still hadn’t come, but suddenly There listen three knocks and two scratches: She is, the teacher tought. But by opening the door, she found the body without a head of the poor girl… With a jump, the prisoner came into class, and between screams, terror and pain, ended with all children. Only the teacher was alive, she was jumped for a window
Today she is in a psychiatric, Can’t stop repeating over and over again: “Three hits and two scratches, three hits and two scratches…”
The school was about to be demolished because she brought bad memories
but finally stopped. They say that if you come in, in the bathroom you can see the heat of the girl, you staring with eyes filled with terror, and in the class are drips blood on the walls…