We have almost learnt to respect our would. Do you agree?

diumenge, 1 de juny del 2008

I’m disagree that we have almost learnt to respect our world, even though I believe that every time we are more aware of that.

It’s clear that we are aware and for this we have got create electricity with sunlight, manufacture vehicles that pollute less or put bicycles to the city centre such as Barcelona, withdraw the prodcuts that not benefit the environment like deodorants, do the speakings for prevents the fires in the forests and speakings for teach to respect the environment since of childhood, also we have done recycling campaings here in Castelló, ang many other things.

But even this, the people continue take car for go to everywhere, we continue cutting trees and destroing our landscape for build hulg flats, and the manufactures continue contaminating the would even though now we’re suffering the concequences.

In conclusion, although we are concients that our would is degrading ever time faster than they was saying, we won’t be capables to aware until all will revolutionize how for example this year with the water problem, because we haven’t done anything until that the problem knock our door because I always think that we utilize our ability to think for the money.