dissabte, 9 de maig del 2009

My English compentence in 2009

For me, my best oral evidence is:
and my best written evidence is:

I have chosen these evidence and not others because I think that these are work that I used a correctly vocabulary and good expresions and tricks.
Choosing the best written evidence I had more problems than to choose the best oral, becaue during the last two years I have written ever so many composition, blogs, summaries... And I think that I did quite well in all of them. Yet, I have most definitly improved my writing and so I decided to present one of my last compositions. I have to say that commenting in the forums, etc...
I'm really proud of my work.
To summarize I want to say that after two years of writing my English has improved very much and that with this work I could prove.

My English 2007-2009

About my written documents: From my point of view I now have the tools to analyse the first written document I produced, and comparing it to my last entry.
Frist of all, I had a look at the structure lenguage and fluency of my work, I realized that in my first entry I used a lot of short sentences, repetitions of certain words (really, very...), Spanish translations (spanglish: lost ways instead of secret ways..) incorrect use of prepositions as well as spelling mistakes. Having said that I don't want to say that I don't make any mistakes now, but that now I am able to spot the mistakes I made two years ago. As far as fluency is concerned I jumped from one topic to the other without using connectors.
I think I have proved that in my last composition, thanks to all the posts in the blog.
And about my oral presentations: The first presentation was an easy one because it was about my life and I felt comfortable in presenting it in three minutes. Now the presentations are much longer and the topics very often more challenging.
About my use of language and structure as far as I remember I used inapropriate vocabulary.
As I being nervous, I gesticulated that surely must have made it difficult for my classmates to follow my presentation. However comparing it to my last presentation I would say that I have improved a lot and that now I can be calm while I'm doing a presentation, thanks to the experience of the last two years.
As far as pronunciation is concerned I do have difficulties remembering it but it must have been worse than it's now.
To sum it up I think I have improved in all the linguistic aspects thanks to all the hard work behind.

3 comments to classmates

Hello Núria!

I'm Laia,
I have read your dream and I'm fine that you had a opportunity to go in London and you like both.

See you soon, on Monday class!!



Hello Mercè!

How are you?
I'm Laia! I think that is better Girona than Bcn, because Girona is a little city at 45 minuts of our home!



Hello Pascal!!

I'm Laia,
I watched this film last year and I didn't like anything about this film!
I think that the argument is horrible and is not my style.


A film!

Guido (Roberto Benigni), a young Italian Jew, arrives in Arezzo where he opens a bookshop.
Guido is a romantic and nice person specially when he flirts with Dora (Italian, not Jewish; Nicoletta Braschi).
A few years later, Guido and Dora have a son, Joshua.

In the second half, Guido, Guido's uncle Eliseo, and Joshua are taken to a concentration camp on Joshua's birthday. Dora wants to go with her family to the concentration camp. Guido hides Joshua from the Nazi guards and gives him food.
Guido convinces his son that the camp is just a game; a game who gets 1000 points wins a tank, He tells Joshua that if he cry, he lose poits, while quite boys who hide from the camp guards earn points.

Guido maintains this story right until the end, when he tells his son to stay in a metal box until everybody has left, this being the final test before the tank is his. After trying to find Dora, Guido is caught, taken away, and is shot to death by a Nazi guard.
Joshua survives and thinks he has won the game when an American tank arrives to liberate the camp, and he returned with his mother.

The end is so emotional and sad but the argument is so well.


dissabte, 2 de maig del 2009


Today, we have two mens with us, for speaking about the difference between now and before, in his work, Peter and Josh are farmers but with one difference, Peter is 23 years old and Josh 64 years old.

Peter: Hello, I'm Peter and I started to work farmer because my dad had a log of animals and a log of money in his project, but you, Josh, what is your life?

Josh: Oh, hi friends, I'm 64 years old and I started to work farmer when I had 15 years old, only, the main difference you is that I started because my family needed money and they not wanted to paid a university.

Peter: Yes, I think that it's a very important difference because now if you want to study you have difference opportunities but before it's not possible, and for this, only the rich people had a licence.

Josh: Yes, I agree with you, and also, now the people that their job is farmer, win more money than before.

Peter: Yes, I agree with you!

Ok. We are happy of send you in our show, I hope that the people also like it!

Bye bye Josh and Peter

Peter: Bye! Thank you

Josh: Good night and good luck!


44th, of del Pont Rood

Castelló d'Empúries
Friday 24th of April 2009

Dear Patry,

How are you? I'm fine, but I know that you are not fine because you are tired of you behaviour your classes, for this I agree with you that this situation need a solution.

When we know you, in the first class, we thought that you were a lot of strict and for this thing we had a correct behaviour in class.

I'm sorry, four our behaviour because we have a good relation ship and if the ghings contunate with this way, ths final course will be horrible because we will have a lot of exams and I think that we have put our part because our relation not be worse.

To sum up, I think that all will be better and I hope that the things have a solution.

See you




dimarts, 28 d’abril del 2009


Two years ago I saw that how my dream was fulfilled.
When I was young, as my mother worked and my grandmother had an accident I was unable to take care me, for this my mother was a nanny, Assumpció. With her I spend the most of the day and for this I loved her, she was like my second mother.

A day when I had six years old, she told me that she had to leave Castelló because she was pregnant. But for me it was very hard, because I had thefeeling that I was separated from my mother. I was crying many days, but she left. She promised me to come and see me at least three days in the year, and call me occasionally to know how I am.
Well, we were thre years in contact with Assumpció but one day she called us and told us that he had changed his number pone and she gave it to us. But we los the number and for this we lost contact. But, a day a girl added me in msn who lived in Tarroella de Montgrí because she thought that I was a friend who was called as I do, and a day I explained my story and se said me that a friend had a same story.

Finally, we understood we were talking about the same story, and for that, and thanks to her I could find out where she lived and her number phone, and that's how my dream was fulfilled.
Whith this story I have come to the conclusion and larned that dreams someties come true, that all we have to have is patience and enthusiasm.

diumenge, 19 d’abril del 2009


Susan Boyle loosens up 1:45
CNN's Atika Shubert reports on how Susan Boyle is coming to grips with her sudden global stardom.

Susan Boyle, an unemployed Scottish celebrity turned into 47 years through his voice and the TV show Britain's got talent, continues to grow.

More than 26 million people have seen on YouTube the interpretation of the song I dreamed a dream from the musical Les Miserables, with whom Boyle also surprised the 11.3 million who saw the live singing Saturday through the British television network ITV.

Other 2.3 million people have clicked on the page Britain's got talent to see and Susan Boyle has been the most discussed in the Internet social network Twitter.

news expressions

dilluns, 13 d’abril del 2009

She's all over the place – ella sobre a per tot arreu

Wrong – malament

Too many – masses

Belongs – pertanyer

Inside – dins

Outside – fora

You've been rejected – has sido rechazado

Behind – enrere

Hide – amagar

Losing – perdent

She’s falling – ella està caiguent

Faith - fe


Nobody's home

I couldn't tell you – Jo no puc dir-te
Why she felt that way – Perquè ella es sentia així
She felt it everyday – Ella es sentia així cada dia
I couldn't help her - Jo no la puc ajudar
I just watched her make – Jo només la veia fer
The same mistakes again – Els mateixos errors de nou

What's wrong, what's wrong now – Què està malment? Què està malament ara?
Too many, too many problems – Masses, masses problemes
Don't know where she belongs – No sé on pertany
Where she belongs – A on pertany?

She wants to go home, but nobody's home – Ella vol anar a casa, però no hi ha ningú
That's where she lies, broken inside – És on ella es tomba, es trenca per dins
With no place to go, no place to go – Amb cap lloc on anar, no hi ha lloc on anar
To dry her eyes, broken inside – Per treure els seus ulls, es trenca per dins

Open your eyes – Obra els teus ulls
And look outside – I mira a fora
Find the reason why – Troba una raó perquè
You've been rejected – No t’han volgut
And now you can't find – I ara no et trobes
What you left behind – ho vas deixar enrere

Be strong, be strong now - sigues forta, ara ssigues forta
Too many too many problems – masses, masses problemes
Don't know where she belongs – tu no saps on pertany
Where she belongs? – A on pertany?

She wants to go home, but nobody's home – Ella vol tornar a casa, però no hi ha ningú
That's where she lies, broken inside – és on ella es tomba, es trenca per dins
With no place to go, no place to go – amb cap lloc on anar, cap lloc on anar
To dry her eyes broken inside – a treure els seus ulls, es tenca per dins

Her feeling she hides – En els seus pensaments ella amaga
Her dream she can't find – en el seu somni ella no pot trobar
She's losing her mind – ella està perdent el cap
She's falling behind – ella està caiguent enrere
She can't find her place – no pot trobar el seu lloc
She's losing her faith – està perdent la seva fe
She's falling from grace - està caiguent des de la gràcia
She's all over the place – ella sobre a per tot arreu

news expressions

I wanna - jo vull
Stay - queda't
luck - sort
hooked - enganxar
show - ensenya
pair - parella
without - sense
gun - arma
hug - abraçada
lying - mentir
chik - pollet


LADY GAGA – Poker face

I wanna hold em – vull celebrar-ho

Like they do in Texas Plays – com ho celebren als jocs de Texas

Fold em let em hit me raise it – dobla’t, deixam, dona-li i aixeca’t

Baby stay with me – nen quedat amb mi

Luck and intuition – la sort i la intuició

Play the cards with Spades to start – jugarem amb espases per començar

And after the’s been hooked – i després que ell s’enganxi

I’ll play the one that’s on his heart. – jugaré amb el que hi ha al seu cor.

I’ll get him hot – jo aconseguiré calentar-lo

Show him what I’ve got – li enseñaré el que tinc

Can’t read my – no pots llegir el meu...

No he can’t read my poker face – no pots llegir la meva cara de pòker

I wanna roll with him – jo vull moura’m amb ell

A hard pair we will be – sarem una parella difícil

A little gambling is fun – una mica de joc és divertit

When you’re with me – quan tu estas amb mi

Russian roulette is not the same – la ruleta russa no és la mateixa

Without a gun – sense una arma

And baby when it’s love – i nen, quan és amor

If it’s not rough it isn’t fun, fun – si no és difícil, no és divertit

I won’t tell you that I love you – jo no et diré que t’estimo

Kiss or hug you – ni a fer-te un petó ni a fer-te una abraçada

Cause I’m bluffing with my muffin – perquè vaig de farol

I’m not lying – no estic mentint

I’m just stunning – només estic aturdida

With my love-glue-gunning – amb el meu amor de cua ardent

Just like a chick in the casino – com un pollet en el casino

Take your bank before I pay you out – agafa seient abans que es gasti

I promise this, promise this – jo t’ho prometo, jo t’ho prometo

Check this hand cause I’m marvelous – dona’t compte que sóc maravellosa.

3rd TERM!!

3 comments to classmates

dilluns, 9 de març del 2009

Hello Mercè!!Good night!lol

I see that you coment "Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants", I prefer to comment "Chicken run".

Good bye Merxelita!!

See you tomorrow



How are you?? lol

I laughed a lot with your portfolio!!All is about sport!!

By the way!, the football stadiums of England are very beautiful!


Good night Güell, good night...



Hello neightbor!!

So I see you learned a lot in London! Meanwhile, we were in class watching a movie of History


See you soon!*

(Jordi's portfolio)



agree with
accuse for
apply to
apologize for
ask for
arrive at
believe in
belong to
borrow to
consist on
crah into
depend on
divide in
explain to
hear about
fall in love at
get to
happen to
laugh about
pay for
prefer than
remind of
speak/talk about/by
specialize on
succeed in
suffer about
think to
think about
think of
translate to
worry about

Chicken run


This film I was watched a lot of years before, but as I don't remember the film.
In the farm there are four chickens that if don't put eggs every day they are killed by Tweedy, for this the protagonist chiken, that she is Ginger, dicide to do the possible for escape with her friends.
Rocky, the only cock in the farm decide that he teach them to fly, for this he prepares, but she don't get his objective.
The things are more difficult when arrive a new project, that consist on do a machine for manufacture chicken hamburgers.
Finally, she gets escape with many difficults, thanks, also, to help of two sympathetic rats.

heaven - paradís
creep to - arrossegar-se
allow - permetre
mock - burlar-se
pain - dolor

Oral presentation

diumenge, 8 de març del 2009

Hello, Good Morning,
We are Mercè and Laia, and we want to present a trip to London by our agency.
Here we present our plan of the trip, that consists of leaving on Saturday the twenty eight of February, in the morning and returning on Sunday, the first of March, at night.
Firstly we will take the plane from Girona and we will arrive in Stanstead Airport, we recommend you do not miss the flight because it is very uncomfortable to sleep in this airport.
THere we will find a guide that will accompany us to the hotel, a hotel that is situated in the center of London and whose web page is:
Here you can see some photos about what you will find. There, if you decide to go on this super trip.
The hotel is situated close to the British museum and very close to a Tube station, and important aspect.
Additionally it is important that you know where our rooms are because the hotel is very big, it has almost three thousand bedrooms, two dining rooms, a games room and two bars. These bars are good for passing the night because to go out at night in London is very difficult if you are under age.
Once you have left your bags in the rooms, the first visit we will do is to Big Ben, that certainly most people know and Parlament. After we will get on The London Eye, where we will be able to see all the sights of London.
After The London Eye we will walk along the banks of the river where we will see all the statues and monuments that there are and after we will cross the river and we will go to see Saint Paul's Cathedral, where will have lunch.
After lunch we will go shopping on Oxford Street and also to see Harrods, where we will spend all afternoon.
As it is dark at seven o'clock, what we will do is go to have dinner in the hotel; excelent, typical English Dinners are incuded, and later we will take The Tube and we will go to an area with atmosphere, to see if we can find a pub where we can go in and if we are lucky it will be a day of football because the attitude of the English fans is very good.
Those who don't want to go out, they can stay in the hotel where there is olso entertainment.
On Sunday morning for breakfast we will have typical English Breakfast, with eggs, bacon and sausages.
Ok, in the morning we will visit Buckinham Palace, where we will see The Changing of The Guards, and after we will wolk to Picadilly Circus, China Town and Trafalgar Squere.
After we will take the Tube and we will go to Nothinhill, a well know area. We will have lunch in Tragalgar Square and we will walk in Nothinghill, where we will have a snack.
Finally we will go to the hotel to collect the bags and we will go to the airport where we will take the return flight to Girona. Have a bus will be waiting for us that will take us home.
And Monday all to school!!


dissabte, 7 de març del 2009

NAME & TOPIC: A trip to London

We use a power point with pictures of London, the most beautiful places. We present our plan of the trip.
I think that people liked our power point because the pictures were very beautiful.

We looked our friends continually, we were connecting with them a lot and we didn’t brought notes.

We organizated correctly and we introduced a lot of connectors. This is an aspect that we have improved.

I admit that my english is bad because I left lose, and now I repent a lot. For this I studiing for improve.

My intonation and my pronuntation I think that it was correctly.

I think that our correct mark is 7 because we have putted a lot of effort.



  1. Because it’s using for understanding many previously undecipherable examples of hieroglyphic writing.
  2. he most popular eat is the fried fish with chips. Sunday lunch is usually the popular Roastbeef, which is grilled meat.

At breakfast the pancakes, eggs and toast. The beef and kidney pie is a delicious eat originating in England.

  1. At eleven o’clock p.m. When the bell rings in a pub, this means that close.
  2. is a type of beer brewed from malted barley using a top-fermenting brewers' yeast.
  3. of a traditional full English breakfast are bacon, eggs, fried or grilled tomatoes, fried mushrooms, fried bread or toast, and sausages, usually served with a mug of tea.
  4. Yes!. On 29 June 1613 the Globe Theatre went up in flames during a performance of Henry the Eighth.
  5. Clement street.
  6. The Ravens in the Tower of London has an important part to play in its history. The legend of the Ravens in the Tower of London is so important to the people of England that a number of ravens are kept at the Tower of London at the expense of the British government. Legend has it that failing to keep ravens at the Tower of London will mean the great White Tower will crumble and a terrible disaster shall befall England.
  7. No.

In principle they are responsible for looking after any prisoners at the Tower and safeguarding the British crown jewels, but in practice they act as tour guides and are a tourist attraction in their own right, a point the Yeoman Warders acknowledge.

Yeomen Warders of Her Majesty's Royal Palace and Fortress the Tower of London.

The name Beefeater is of uncertain origin, with various proposed derivations. The most likely is considered to be the Wardens' payment in rations that included beef, as well as mutton and veal, and various historical commentators have noted a preference for beef among the Wardens and the Yeomen of the Guard.

  1. Yes, we can buy dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters and fishes.
  2. Paris Hiñlton.
  3. The son of the owner of Harrods was in love with Diana.
  4. On Big Ben
  5. Was the first President of South Africa.
    At Parliament Square, alongside those of Jan Smuts, Winston Churchill, Benjamin Disraeli and Abraham Lincoln.
  6. Eros.
  7. David Beckham, Tiger Woods, Jonny Wilkinson, Muhammad Ali, Andy Murray and Lance Armstrong.
  8. The tube.
  9. The corner of Melcombe Street.
  10. Is a tourist attraction, based in Tooley Street, London, near London Bridge rail station about various tortures from the Medieval Age. It recreates various gory and macabre historical events in a grimly comedic, 'gallows humour' style, which attempts to make them appealing to the younger generation. It uses a mixture of live actors, special effects and rides.
  11. RICHMOND BRIDGE. A fine stone bridge built in classical style by James Pain and Kenton Couse in 1777.
  12. The name, which originally referred to the hour bell, was given in honor of Sir Benjamin Hall, the commissioner of works when the bell was installed in 1856.
  13. It's the mixture of three different flags: The Irish, the Scottish and the England flags.
  14. It represents the great fire of London.
  15. Yes. Is a artifical lake.
  16. In London tehre aren't any dogs, is a great city where the police is really, really strict. Also, you can't smoke in a lot of places and the english people are very kind.

Human rights

dimecres, 4 de febrer del 2009

Since 1970 the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) have been fighting for independance of the Tamil Stake in the North and East of Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka civil war.
The casulaties have been high.
Now Sri Lankas military is attacking with force to take the important territory of the Tamil Tigers.

The United States Departament of State has decided the LTTE is not recognised as an acceptable terrorist group. The LTTE do not behave correctly as a "resistance movement" or as "freedom fightels because they violate various Human Rights:
1) They have attacked civilians
2) They have assassinated political and military opponents
3) They have recruited children to train as soldiers
4) They frequently use suicide boming.

Article 3:
Because everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.

Article 5:
Because no one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment.

Article 12:
Because no one shallbe subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondance, nor to attacks upon his honor and reputation. Everyone is entitled to the protection of the law against, such interference or attacks.