Date of birth (*) 26 February 1991
Mother tongue(s) Catalan
Other language(s) English Spanish French
Self-assessment of language skills (**)
Understanding Speaking Writing
Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production
A2 Basic User B1 Independent user A1 Basic User A1 Basic User A2 Basic User
Self-assessment of language skills (**)
Understanding Speaking Writing
Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production
C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user
Self-assessment of language skills (**)
Understanding Speaking Writing
Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production
A1 Basic User A2 Basic User A1 Basic User A1 Basic User A2 Basic User
(*) Headings marked with an asterisk are optional. (**) See self-assessment grid on reverse. (***) Common European Framework of Reference (CEF) level if specified on the original certificate or diploma.
Europass Language Passport
divendres, 29 de febrer del 2008
Publicat per Laia a 3:15 0 comentaris
OBSERVATION of last oral presentation
dijous, 28 de febrer del 2008
NAME & TOPIC: A trip to London
We use a power point with pictures of London, the most beautiful places. We present our plan of the trip.
I think that people liked our power point because the pictures were very beautiful.
We looked our friends continually, we were connecting with them a lot and we didn’t brought notes.
We organizated correctly and we introduced a lot of connectors. This is an aspect that we have improved.
I admit that my english is bad because I left lose, and now I repent a lot. For this I studiing for improve.
My intonation and my pronuntation I think that it was correctly.
I think that our correct mark is 7 because we have putted a lot of effort.
Publicat per Laia a 10:09 0 comentaris
dilluns, 25 de febrer del 2008
Pep’s my best friend because he is the only one that went at the same class since we wento to school. He lives in Vilanova de la Muga and he’s 16.
Physically, my friend is tall and thin, he’s about 1’75 and 65kg, but hes very strong.
He has brown hair and beautiful brown eyes because he has long eyeslashes. Also, he has small ears and thin lips. In general he has a log face. His neck is also rather long and thin but muscular. His arms and his legs are really strong and long and his foot is big, he’s about a size 43.
As you can see he’s a particularly strong boy.
Psychically, Pep is very kind because if you have a problem he will help you. He is also a little nervous boy, when he is nerveous he becomes read-faced and his legs tremble.
He is quite quiet but when he plays football or he do sport he becomes actives.
His favourite hobby is drowing his maps because he wants to become an architect and he also plays football because he spends a lot of time training.
Finally, I think that Pep is and will be my best friend. In general he’s a very strong-willed boy because he gets all he wants.
Publicat per Laia a 10:02 0 comentaris
dilluns, 18 de febrer del 2008
After reading the book and after watching the film, we realize that there are a lot of differences.
For exemple, Elisabeth in the book she has got blue exyes and blond hair but in the film, she has got brown eyes and dark hair.
Also, in the film Victor has got a young brother and in the book he has got twins.
An important difference is that in the book Victor’s father dies of sadness after Elisabeth’s death and in the film Frankiestein kills Victor’s father before Elisabeth’s death.
Also, in the film Victor creates Elisabeth when she dies, and in the book this doesn’t happen.
Finally, I think that the biggest difference is that Frankestein in the book has got yellow eyes and yellow skin and also he’s 2’50m, and in the film he is a normal person but very very ugly!!!
Publicat per Laia a 11:01 0 comentaris
Dear Sònia
My name’s Laia Font Duñach and I’m 16 years old but in February I will do 17. I live in Castelló d’Empúries, between Figueres and Roses. I play violin, piano and “flabiol” in music school of my town, also I dance dances of new creation and my hoby is go shopping.
Now I will you explain my secret, but shhh you cannot explain anybody!!
Well, in summer 2006, a July very hot when I and my friends, we was very boring, when we was went every morning in the beach with bicycle. One day when I was to arrive in the street when we gathered every morning, I saw that Gerard cousin was there, he was my ideal boy. Tall, nice, thin, and he had black hair and blues eyes how the sky, but I knew got never because he had three years plus that me and he live in Barcelona, but I love he and for It every day when we was in the beach I went next to the but he didn’t speak with me. I want say my friend than I loved his cousin but I had fear that Gerard told David.
In last day, that David was in Castelló, I watched how one boy connecting with me in msn and I was felt very happy when he told that he was David and was this how we was knew, and next month he ask for go Barcelona, but I knew that my parents they didn’t let go and this that a day in the morning I took the train without that know anything.
Now David and me we be together one year and my parents the thing those 16th august 2006 I was went in Girona.
Is a very interesting story, ehh!! I hope you like!!
Publicat per Laia a 10:40 0 comentaris